Watch the video above to learn WHY you can’t miss out!
Your chances are 1 in 1,670 not 1 in Millions like the other giveaway companies!
DOn’t believe us ask them to tell you how many entries they have! Not Entrants!
Every Package grants you Access to 7 Days of our Reward Portal Access : 1 x Entry 7 days, 2 Entries, 14 Days.
We’re changing things up here at Ignite HQ—there will be no more “Entrant” Cap; we are capping this at Entries! This gives YOU the best chance of winning. Why? How?
Previously, just like every other giveaway you see on social media, the wording used is “Capped at X amount of Entrants” What does that mean? It means that it is limited to that many people, but those people can buy as many entries as they want, so you could be in a draw that has 300,000, 500,000, or even a million entries.
In this giveaway, there are only 1,670 entries; your chances of winning are 1 in 1,670. Which is the BEST IN THE COUNTRY!
2022 Suzuki Jimny
4th December 2022
30th October 2022
15th August 2022
Toyota Hilux & MDC Camper
Elizabeth, NSW
30th MAY 2022
Ranger Raptor & Jet Ski Winner
Greg B, Tas
23rd DECEMBER 2021
Landcruiser & Camper Giveaway
Zoe, NSW
31st October, 2021